
7 years ago on a cold wintery night, I was up late scouring craigslist for a red cocker spaniel puppy. My roommate wanted to get another dog so her’s wouldn’t be lonely. However, this roommate was making me take care of her dog, who was so big he could drag me. I said I didn’t want another big dog in the house, and instead thought about getting me my own dog. So when it was 1AM and I saw a posting from a “Mother Dog” stating that she and her doggie hubby got “frisky” before he had his surgery and had 9 surprise babies that needed to find loving homes, I was excited. But it was awkward writing “Dear momma dog, are any of your babies red? Here is a photo of my childhood cocker spaniel (to show I know how to care for this breed).”

A day later, “momma dog” responded with photos of the 3 red cocker puppies (and the numerous black) and invited me to meet them. They were 5 weeks old, and afraid of nothing. One of the red puppies was tearing paper to shreds, while the red runt played with their siblings. But then, the 3rd red puppy came up to me, and I just knew, she had chosen me. A few weeks later I picked her up in late January and took her home. She’s been the best pup ever, and I’m so lucky that I saw that bizarre craigslist post!

Every Friday Lili shares her favorite photography & the stories behind the photos.