21 02, 2015

Souvenir Saturday: Bismuth

By |February 21st, 2015|Categories: Souvenirs, Travel|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

When I was little I had a rock and fossil collection. I was obsessed with dinosaurs that my mother would hide rocks, small fossils, and minerals in the dirt and then allow me to dig and find them. At some point I lost the collection in a move. So when I went to the National Museum of Natural History I decided to add to that lost collection. It took me ages to decide what type of rock or fossil was I going to get in the gift shop. I had seen photos of Bismuth on reddit and found its geometric

2 02, 2015

Travel Missteps: 1 Thing Not To Do In Washington DC

By |February 2nd, 2015|Categories: Travel, Travel Missteps|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

When I travel I do a lot of research. I particularly enjoy articles like “10 Things Not To Do In...” as they can provide a nice overview of common traveler mistakes. But on my short trip to Washington DC, I ignored one of common pieces of advice: Don’t Over Do It! But I only had 4 days in DC, and I wanted to see all the free museums! Protesters in front of the Jefferson Memorial at night. So I pushed myself hard. On the first day I went on a guided tour of to the National Archives, then