Draw a Dinosaur Day 2017!
Happy National Draw a Dinosaur Day! I stumbled upon this amazing Triceratops Wallpaper and fell in love with it! Source
Happy National Draw a Dinosaur Day! I stumbled upon this amazing Triceratops Wallpaper and fell in love with it! Source
I recently stumbled upon the coolest Instagram which is a collection of toy dinosaurs traveling the world. Here are some of my favorites: By the amazing photographer Jorge Saenz @jorgesaenzpy on Instagram.
It's my Birthday! Last year it snowed so much that no one could come out for the party. Hopefully this year will be a bit different! Its also my 30th birthday. Still not ready to be an adult. Let's Party by HowAwcard
When I was little I wanted to be an archeologist or paleontologist. While that didn't happen I can live vicariously through the volunteers and employees at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. At the end of Prehistoric Journey is the Paleontology lab, where you can see the progress that is being made on specimens recently brought in from the field. He kind of looks like John Hammond from Jurassic Park. If you are a member of the museum, they also do many special nights where you can actually go into the lab and see a lot more
Today is my birthday! Last year I was celebrating my first week at my job and had the day off (For President's Day) but didn't do anything as my parents and sister were out of town. I also was busy trying to put things into storage so I could sell my condo. So I literally spent my birthday packing away my life. Not sure what this year will hold but I'm excited to find out. I also love triceratops! A few years ago I found the cutest Birthday Triceratops. This year I found an entire set of Dinosaurs as yummy
Birthday Triceratops by http://prismafox.tumblr.com Two facts you should know about me. Today's my birthday and I love Triceratops! Imagine my delight when I was browsing Draw a Dinosaur Day's submissions and saw this beautiful Triceratops by http://prismafox.tumblr.com/