Santa’s Christmas Journey
I found this fun Christmas Infographic of holiday traditions around the world! Courtesy of: Case
I found this fun Christmas Infographic of holiday traditions around the world! Courtesy of: Case
Ever see locks attached to a bridge? They are Love Locks. Couples will attach a lock and then throw away the key to signify their lasting love together. I've seen them all over Europe and even started to see them in the US. (The photos here are from Frankfurt, Germany.) But the weight of these locks can damage the bridges and they are costly to remove, so many cities are trying to encourage the practice to stop.
Its December 1st, and while getting ready for the upcoming holidays I cannot stop thinking about the Christmas seasons I've spent abroad. Its amazing the different stories we have for the holiday gift giving around this time of year. Here are the top 10 "Santa Legends" from around the world. Courtesy of: Milkwhale Every other week Travel Thursday brings you travel tips and information on the amazing sights and activities the world has to offer.