
Last year the Denver Museum of Nature and Science had an exhibit on Poison. Part of that exhibit was around the use of poison as a plot device in literature.


First up is the well known Sherlock Holmes series.  Beyond showing old books, they exhibit featured common items, and some hints of what poisons were used.


But while Sherlock is good, Agatha Christie is the queen of mysteries. I was sad though as I leaned in to see better, that they listed which poison was used in which book. SPOILER ALERT! Jeeze!


But its not just mysteries. A lot of children’s books also contain references to poison. From Lemony Snicket to comic books, poison is definitely an old standby.


Even beloved fantasy books like Harry Potter have included potion making and poisons.

While certainly not a exhaustive list, it was a fun addition to the exhibit.

Museum Monday is an every other week series about museum news, objects, and reviews.