Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon at the entrance of the tomb. 1922.
“At last
[I] have made wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival; congratulations.” Howard Carter’s cable to Lord Carnarvon on November 5th, 1922. The day before, on November 4th, Carter’s team found the first step of a sunken stairway and then on the 5th they reached the sealed doorway to the tomb. A few weeks later Carter and Carnarvon would open Tutankhamun’s tomb and entrance the world with their findings.
Today I’m sadly leaving Luxor to head back to Cairo. I wish I had more days in Luxor as there is just so much to see here! I also heard that today is the start of festivities in Luxor commemorating the finding of Tut’s tomb.
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