When traveling I love to research about the place I’ll be going to. I usually will get a few travel guides, but I’ll also read many blogs from other fellow travelers. I was sad to learn that Google’s “Blog Search” functionality was discontinued, which made searching for the rare blog on Egypt so much harder to find. So to help future travelers here are some of the many blogs and other online resources I used in preparation for my trip to Egypt.

Egypt Blogs

Blogs with multiple posts about Egypt

Egyptian Travel Companies who’s blogs are helpful

Individual Articles about Egypt

Travel Blog Aggregators featuring Egypt

Egypt Online Travel Guides

Egypt News:

Helpful SubReddits on Egypt

/r/Egypt, /r/Travel, and /r/SoloTravel some of the related Egypt posts:

Travel Communities about Egypt

Social Communities about Egypt

Have any other Egypt Resources that helped you? Sound off in the comments!

And tomorrow I’ll list my favorite books, movies, and documentaries!